How should boyfriend take good care of girlfriend

1. When introducing your girlfriend to a new friend, please put your arms around her waist instead of standing aside and pointing with your fingers.

2. If she has done something wrong and feels sad, please take the initiative to take on the responsibilities you should or shouldn’t.

3. In front of his friends, I hope you can behave more lovingly and nervously about her than usual.

4. Always tell her that I love you, otherwise she will assume that you don’t love her.

5. Don’t yell at her or leave her alone in public.

6. It doesn’t matter if she teaches her when she does something wrong, the most important thing is to coax her after that.

7. Don’t ignore her when you lose your temper. Don’t give her time to calm down. In fact, she doesn’t need time to calm down.

8. There is a girl talking to you, you have to hold her hand, if she happens to be not beside, then please keep your distance with them.

9. Hold her hand when crossing the road.

10. Love your girlfriend very much, firmly support her decision and obey her leadership.

11. Arguing with your girlfriend, each statement should not exceed three minutes, and the volume should not exceed 20 minutes

12. The girlfriend is unreasonable, acting like a baby instead of being wild.

13. Seeing a beautiful woman on the street, stare for no more than five seconds, and quickly pointed out the beauty of the beautiful woman compared with her.

14. All her things really want to share with you.

15. When she came to the aunt, she handed a cup of warm brown sugar ginger tea, which is better than anything else. Don’t just talk about drinking more hot water.

It’s not convenient for her to cook it herself if she’s not around, so it’s good to prepare some ginger tea for her.

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